DeliverThat might be the largest food delivery gig you may never have heard of. As of this writing, they operate in 38 states, the District of Columbia, British Columbia and Ontario.
Are they a good option for delivery drivers? How does it compare to delivering for Grubhub, Doordash, and Uber Eats? Does it make sense to sign up to deliver catering orders for DeliverThat?
How do you know what you're getting into with them? Is it a great idea or is delivering for them a bit of a dud?
I'll share my experiences and thoughts after making several deliveries for DeliverThat.
Here's the TLDR (aka my thoughts in a nutshell): DeliverThat specializes in larger catering orders. Orders pay more on average than single meal deliveries with Doordash, Uber Eats etc but also take more time and often more driving. Because it's catering, the opportunities are limited, and you can't rely on them for primary income like you can other gigs. However, I find they can be a great compliment to delivering for other platforms.
I found that my earnings rate was similar to if not slightly better than other deliveries. There are details about how DeliverThat that many may not like. Personally, I find they can be a good option to use alongside other gigs.
That's the short version. Read on and I'll talk more about:
- Who is DeliverThat and how do they work?
- How do you sign up to deliver for them?
- What is a typical DeliverThat catering order like?
- How Does DeliverThat Pay?
- The pros and cons of being a contractor for DeliverThat
- Strategies for making DeliverThat a profitable part of your delivery business
Who is DeliverThat and how do they work?
According to their About Us page, “DeliverThat is a national last-mile delivery service recognized as the industry leader in restaurant catering delivery and setup.”
As a guest on the Deliver on Your Business podcast, DeliverThat's CEO, Aaron Hoffman called it a company for drivers made by drivers. He started the company out of his dorm room in college when he found there was a great need for reliable providers of delivery services.
DeliverThat uses independent contractors to deliver and set up larger catering orders for a variety of restaurants. A lot of their deliveries are done for EZCater, though they do have a number of restaurants that they contract with directly as well.
I've delivered catering orders both for national chains and locally owned restaurants as a DeliverThat contractor. Most deliveries happen early in the lunch hour, with the food being delivered primarily to office buildings. I have yet to make a residential DeliverThat delivery, though they have been known to happen from time to time.
The part that surprised me the most about DeliverThat is their reach. I believe that they are in more markets than any food delivery service other than the big three of Doordash, Uber Eats and Grubhub, especially now that Postmates is part of Uber.

They're big enough now that it's easier to say where they aren't than where they are. As of March 2022, the only states not listed on their website are Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North and South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.
How do you sign up to deliver for them?
The sign up for DeliverThat is pretty simple. You can use my referral link to sign up as a driver for DeliverThat. You can also go to and then click on the Become a Driver link.
One of the first things I noticed was how much signing up for DeliverThat felt like a job application. You ultimately are taken to what looks like a typical job board. In fact, they label it “Careers and Jobs.”

The screen seems to default to listing opportunities by location. Basically there was a listing for just about every suburb in the Denver area for me.
When you select one of those opportunities, you get what really looks like what you would see of a job description, with details about the ‘job' and the job requirements. However, to their credit, they don't call it requirements, but instead it's labeled “Want To Make the Most of DeliverThat? Here's How”

The rest of the onboarding process
The application itself is pretty simple. A single page asking for your basic contact information. Beyond that, it asks for some extra information:
- Any rideshare or delivery experience you have
- What are your goals with DeliverThat? Choices are “fill my schedule between other gig economy positions, income source between full time jobs, primary source of income, and other.
- Questions about edibility to work in the US and if you are over 20
- Are you comfortable to operate your own vehicle for deliveries?
- What kind of vehicle will you be using?
At that point they ask you to review the independent contractor agreement and policies, then submit your application.
The process was fairly painless for me. I received a series of texts and emails with links to completing a background check, signing the independent contractor agreement, and watching some onboarding videos explaining how the app works, how orders are offered and accepted, etc.
One thing that was a bit different was that I had to pay for a motor vehicle report. I'm not sure if that is still the policy, this was several months ago. You also needed to verify that you have catering bags before you can take deliveries.
My thoughts on the application process.
I have to admit, red flags went up for me as soon as I got to the application page.
There is a major problem in the gig economy with people thinking they are getting hired as employees rather than as independent contractors. Too many people think independent contractor is just another job, rather than operating a business.
One of the reasons this is a problem is that too often, it feels exactly like a hiring process for just about any other job out there.
DeliverThat's application process is, in my opinion, way too similar to a job application. While they use all the right wording to identify that it is independent contractor work, using language like “jobs” and “apply now” still muddies the water.
I was extremely concerned when I saw this that there could be a lot of potential for abuse of the independent contractor relationship. In my experience since signing up, that fear hasn't been realized. I really do get the sense that they respect and honor the boundaries of the independent contractor.
Thoughs on the catering bags.
I did not have a problem with them requiring that we have catering bags. When you run a business, you have to have the equipment to do it well, and with this involving much larger food orders, catering bags are essential.
While I do have catering bags, I went ahead and ordered bags from DeliverThat. I thought what the heck, the price was right. At the time it was $20 for four bags (and they may have changed what's available since then). That bundle included one so-called insulated bag and three soft sided catering bags.
Based on my experience, I would say don't waste your money. I said the one was so-called insulated. It's like the flimsy bags that Doordash gives out. It's essentially a flimsy canvas bag with cheap foil lining. That really isn't insulated. I only use that one as a last resort, if the order is too large for my Servit bags that are much sturdier.
The other three bags are only very thin canvas bags. I have yet to use one. I'm too afraid of the food all collapsing into the middle of the bag when you pick it up. There's just no support at all.
If your budget is really tight, it can seem attractive to get four bags at such a cheap price. However, you're much better off getting some quality bags on Amazon or from a restaurant supply place.
What is a typical DeliverThat catering order like?
The important thing to remember with DeliverThat is that this isn't your typical drop it off and go type of delivery. They work almost exclusively with catering orders, usually with several different meals being delivered to the same place.
There's a little more time commitment and some set up involved with deliveries. The trade off is that the pay is usually much higher than the lowball $3 Doordash delivery.
How orders are sent out
If you are accustomed to getting delivery offers on your app for Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc., be prepared for a different way of doing things.
DeliverThat doesn't send offers to you individually like many of the meal delivery apps do. Instead, when you log into the app you may see several offers available. I live in the Denver area, however I see offers from all over the state.
Because these are catering orders, they are generally scheduled in advance. Below, I posted a screenshot of an offer and that particular delivery is scheduled three weeks from the date the screenshot was taken.
You can review the offers and then determine whether to accept any. The thing that is different about this is that other drivers in your market are allowed to do so at the same time.
The offer information is very basic. All you see is the time, the restaurant you're picking up from, where you are delivering to, and the expected delivery time.

You will notice one thing is missing here.
The pay.
DeliverThat does not tell what a delivery pays on the original offer screen. You can only see what it pays once you've accepted, at which point more details are available.
The vast majority of offers that I've seen are for lunch deliveries on Monday through Friday.
Accepting and dropping DeliverThat Orders
Here's the thing to keep in mind: Accepting orders is very different. That's why I wouldn't get too concerned about not being able to see additional details.
You can review the details of a delivery and if there's a problem, you can immediately release that delivery to be offered back into the pool. There's no penalty and no “completion rate” to worry about. DeliverThat won't crack down on you for releasing a high percentage of offers.
However, once you've kept that delivery, they take things very seriously if you back out at the last minute. They can actually charge a fine or pay deduction for dropping a delivery too soon before it's due. We'll talk more about deductions in the pay section of this review.
When you've accepted, you can see addtional details about the delivery including delivery instructions and the pay information.

This particular screenshot shows that this will pay $8.96 in delivery commission. Under Gratuity it goes on to explain that there will be an additional tip from the EZCater tip pool, which we'll discuss more in a bit.
If you should decide after reviewing the details, you can simply drop the delivery. You simply tap the three dot menu bar at the top of the delivery details and select the option to Offer the delivery to another driver.

I've seen a number of times where a delivery will be available, get claimed by someone, and then get put back into the pool shortly after. Sometimes that will happen with the same delivery several times.
Picking the food up at restaurants
I mentioned this before: It's important to remember that deliveries are scheduled. Because it's a large order, the restaurant is planning on having it ready to go at a certain time.
Most deliveries that I've taken get picked up between 10 and 11 AM. I think this is because of a couple of reasons. Restaurants want to get the catering orders done and ready to go out before the customers start arriving for lunch hour. Also, most deliveries are going to businesses, and they want to have the food in the office by the time people start taking their lunch breaks.
I will usually get there about ten minutes before the due time. The restaurant almost always has the food ready by that time.
In my experience, most people at the restaurant don't know who DeliverThat is. Most deliveries in my market are from EZCater. I'll typically identify that I'm picking up a catering order for such and such a person (the contact) and that's what most restaurants know.
A lot of orders will be prepared in larger catering pans, such as the tin foil rectangular pans. Sandwich companies may have the food prepared and bagged up. There's no real uniformity as far as how the food is packaged. This is why, in my opinion, you're better off with a higher quality bag than the DeliverThat bundles.

Most restaurants will also provide serving utensils, plates, and napkins. I'll usually double check to see if they were provided and ask for any special instructions.
Dealing with the restaurant staff
I've never had a bad experience with a restaurant on a catering order. There were a couple of times I waited about five or ten minutes past the pickup time, but that's never created an issue. Because these are larger orders, I think staff are a bit more appreciative and more cooperative. That's my experience anyway.
It does take a bit more time to package up the food and load it up into catering bags than a typical single meal. One final thing that is different is that we usually need to get a signature from restaurant staff to indicate the order is picked up.
Delivering the food
There's a little more involved to the drop-off part of the delivery than you may be used to.
On demand delivery drivers are used to just handing the food off or, more recently with contact free delivery, just leaving it at the doorstep.
Most catering deliveries with DeliverThat will need to be set up a little. Usually, you arrive at the office you're delivering to, announce that you have the catering order, and they'll direct you to where to set it all up.
It's not a very involved process most the time. You're mostly setting the food out on a table in some kind of organized manner. Set up the plates on one side. Put the trays or pans of food out in a way that people can walk by and load up their plates. Sometimes it's just a lot of individual meal boxes or sandwiches. I'll usually quickly organize it so it's easy for people to figure out what's what.
Most setups take about five to ten minutes, in my experience.
DeliverThat does ask us to take a picture of the completed set up and submit that in the app. At that point we can just let the contact know that it's ready to go and head off. There usually isn't a need for a signature, though I've heard with some orders there may be something to sign that includes the customer adding a tip. I haven't experienced any of those.

At that point you indicate on the app that you're done, and that's it.
For me, the average delivery from arrival at the restaurant to leaving the office after setting everything up is about 45 minutes.
Some Catering Orders May be Stacked
It is possible to stack orders with Deliver That. It can be tricky, and one needs to be familiar enough with their area to know whether it's reasonable to complete the orders on time.
I've had one time where I ended up with two deliveries from the same restaurant at the same time. I did see one time that there were four orders from a single restaurant all going to addresses very close to one another. Unfortunately it was in a different town.
Sometimes the stack is actually consecutive deliveries, where you pick up the second delivery immediately after completing the first one.
One thing that I've appreciated about DeliverThat is that they have an active team that assists drivers. I've had times where I accepted two deliveries that look like a good fit, and then I'll contact support to ask their thoughts.
I did have one unusual delivery that paid quite nicely. It was really more of a route delivery, where I picked up about a dozen meal packages from a restaurant, and dropped them off at about twelve different homes. I think I drove about 90 miles over three hours and made $160. I have yet to see any offers similar to this since then.
How Does DeliverThat Pay?
DeliverThat advertises that the average delivery is more than $30. Is this accurate?
If I count the 12-stop $166 delivery route as a single delivery, then yes, I have averaged over $30 per delivery (coming in at $32 at the time of this writing. Not counting that particular delivery, the average delivery pay for me has been $24.
Like a lot of platforms, pay is essentially a base delivery fee plus tips. At one time I thought I saw a page on their website that defined now they calculated the base pay, but the current pay model page no longer breaks that down.
Any deliveries you complete between Monday and Wednesday will be paid out on that Friday. Deliveries completed between Thursday and Sunday will be paid the following Wednesday. The two pay periods a week distinguishes them from many platforms. However, there is no instant pay option.
In my experience, I fell like $30 is setting an unrealistic expectation. However, I do average a bit better than $30 per hour on my deliveries for them. I can always expect it will pay somewhere close to $25, and usually the order is done in about 45 minutes, sometimes less.
The base (or commission) pay per my calculations
I don't know if this is consistent across all markets, but I can tell you how it breaks down. When looking at all my payments in a spreadsheet, you could see some patterns. Basically it breaks down like this:
- $7.00 base commission for all deliveries for the first $100 worth of food (or $7 flat if the total value is less than $100).
- And additional commission of 1% of whatever the value of the food is over $100.
- A milege commission for every mile driven over 10 miles.
For example, a $500 order would pay as follows:
- $7 base for the first $100 worth of food.
- 1% extra commission for the additional $400 worth of food (or $4.00)
- Total of $11.00
There's no additional pay for any delivery that goes ten miles or less. However, if the delivery went 12 miles, there would be $2 additional pay (a dollar for every mile after the tenth mile).
The one multi-stop delivery I mentioned really didn't fallow that pattern, but everything else so far has. I did have one delivery that was not with EZCater that didn't have a tip, however DeliverThat added an extra $9.50 for that delivery. With that total, it came out to just under $20 total.
Tipping on DeliverThat deliveries.
Tipping can be a real wildcard.
The vast majority of offers that I see in my market are EZCater orders. Tips for those deliveries fall under what's called a tip pool. We'll talk about that more in a moment.
There are 2 forms of gratuity on the DeliverThat platform, pre-tip, and post-tip. Some restaurants allow their customers to tip both, before and after the delivery. Any pre-trip will be listed in the delivery instructions. Post-tips are earned at the drop-off location often in the form of a signed receipt. All post-tips must be filed to DeliverThat the same day of the delivery.
Description of tipping from the DeliverThat Pay Model page.
Most deliveries are pre-tip. In other words, the customer has already added the tip ahead of time.
As I understand, there are some deliveries where you'll need to have the customer sign off on some paperwork including adding whatever tip they want to add. When that happens, the driver will need to submit that paperwork online.
The EZCater Tip Pool
If you have delivered EZCater orders for other platforms in the past, you know that they can be feast or famine when it comes to tips.
You can deliver $500 worth of food and get a $100 tip. You can also get zero tip.
There are two things going on here. Sometimes the customer who orders doesn't add a tip. If a tip is given, the distribution of that tip is solely at the discretion of the restaurant. The restaurant can keep a portion or all of it for their own staff.
Whatever the reason, there are a large number of EZCater deliveries that provide little or no tip to the driver. This is an issue no matter who actually provides the delivery (Doordash, DeliverThat or others).
Because of the huge disparity and the large number of catering orders, DeliverThat chose to use a tip pool on EZCater orders. All tips are pooled and then the average amount is distributed to each driver who delivered in that particular pay period.
Because of this tip pool, you don't know exactly what the tip will be on any given EZCater delivery that you complete for DeliverThat. However, you have a pretty good idea what it will be. I've always been able to expect that the tip will be right around $15.
The tip pool will be a deal breaker for a lot of drivers. For larger orders with higher tips, many feel like they should receive the full amount of that tip. The flip side is that drivers won't be left out in the dark when it comes to orders where the customer didn't tip or the restaurant kept the tip for their own staff.
DeliverThat fines, fees and deductions
There is one thing DeliverThat does which is very different than anyone else I've seen in the gig economy. They can actually fine you for failure to perform. According to their deductions page, deductions can happen for the following reasons:
- Cancelling or unassigning a breakfast delivery later than 8 PM the previous evening results in a $35 deduction plus 10% of the order cost.
- $5 for every fifteen minutes you are late for either a pickup or a drop off (so a half hour late results in a $10 fee)
- Daytime deliveries not un-assigned prior to 3 hours before arrival time are fined $35 plus 10% of the order cost.
- No show results in a $100 deduction.
- Delivered to the wrong place, the amount that would be refunded to the customer (up to a $100 limit) will be deducted from earnings.
If there are circumstances beyond one's control, a driver can contact DeliverThat support.
This can be a bit unnerving, and there's a piece of it that looks unfair to a lot of drivers. DeliverThat does make it clear that they have this policy in their onboarding videos.
This illustrates a major difference between performing services as a business, which you do when you sign up as an independent contractor, and doing so as an employee. As a business, if your failure to perform as agreed costs the customer money, that can create a liability for you. This becomes a bigger issue when you're dealing with high dollar orders like you have with catering.
This too could be a deal breaker for contractors. Personally, I choose to operate my business in a way that I won't need to pay these fines, so I don't have a problem with the deductions.
The pros and cons of being a contractor for DeliverThat
There are a lot of things to like about being an independent contractor. There are also a few concerns.
Overall, I would say that the pay for the effort is on the upper end what I get for delivery gigs. The pay per delivery is definitely higher, although it usually takes quite a bit longer to complete the delivery and setup.
The things I like best about delivering catering orders for DeliverThat
I appreciate the personal support.
There's something to be said about talking to a live person when you need help. I can text or call at any time and someone's available. Many of the staff have delivered, so there's an understanding and a genuine helpfulness in the support team.
You can usually expect a reasonable pay rate.
If you've done a good job selecting deliveries that aren't too far away, the pay for the time and effort involved is on the upper end of what I expect in deliveries for any gig. There's rarely if ever a total stinker like you get with other apps. As earning rates for Doordash, Uber Eats etc become more volatile, the steady rate of a catering order is nice to be able to rely on.
Deliveries are fairly easy to complete
Deliveries are almost exclusively made to business offices, often in medical buildings that are not horribly large or complicated. It does take a bit extra to set everything up, but for what the pay is it still feels like they are fairly simple.
DeliverThat pays twice a week
As someone who just relies on weekly direct deposit, I do appreciate the more frequent pay dates. Granted they don't have instant pay, however I personally don't use that feature.
DeliverThat seems to be the most low pressure of all the delivery gigs I've worked.
There's no stress or pressure about acceptance rates. I really don't even get a hint of any pressure that says if you took more offers we'd take better care of you. They just put the deliveries out there and you choose whether they make sense.
I really did get the sense when visiting with Aaron Hoffman that they do think about the drivers more than a lot of the gigs out there. They certainly left the impression with me that they genuinely want to create a good experience for drivers
Most deliveries drop off somewhere near where you can pick up other deliveries right away.
Because of the fact that most deliveries go to office buildings of some type, more often than not I've found that I'm in an area that's close to restaurants where I can immediately start taking deliveries on other food delivery apps.
My biggest concerns about DeliverThat as a driver
DeliverThat will never be a significant percentage of my gig earnings
The reality is there just aren't that many deliveries available. I can generally run all day with just about any of the single meal delivery platforms, but I don't expect that ever to be an opportunity with DeliverThat.
Because they do catering, the large majority of deliveries happen for lunch hour. Even if I've got the app on all the time, I might only pick up two or three deliveries in a week. Part of that is because most deliveries are further away than what I'd have available with Uber Eats, Grubhub or Doordash.
Longer drives to restaurants further away will greatly reduce profit per hour and make most of those opportunities not worth taking.
Scheduled deliveries create a lot of dead time.
If you are used to just taking deliveries on the fly, picking up a new offer the moment you drop off the previous delivery, having to be at a restaurant at a particular time can really mess up your rhythm. You usually cannot just do other deliveries right up to the point that you can go over and pick up a catering order.
I measure my success by profit per hour, and I measure it by time that I'm out there intending to make money. That means I count dead time. On the one hand, a $25 delivery that takes a half hour is a fantastic $50 per hour rate. However, if I need to stop taking deliveries an hour before pickup time so that I have enough time to drive the longer distance to a restaurant and to make sure another delivery doesn't make me late, now that's $25 in an hour and a half which is less than $17 per hour overall.
The EZCater tip pool limits profitability
I'm not going to get caught up in the drama over whether I should have received a $100 tip for an extremely large delivery. I mentioned earlier that you really don't see too many stinkers when it comes to DeliverThat offers. That's because of the tip pool.
However, the tip pool creates a sort of ceiling on earnings. It's pretty rare to get dramatically more than $30 per hour on any one delivery.
While average pay per delivery is better than the other gigs, average pay per hour isn't much higher, if it's higher at all
The best paying offers from other delivery platforms are often happening at the same time as the DeliverThat orders. For me, in my area, $30 per hour is a pretty reasonable expectation whether I'm doing individual meals for the big boys, or catering for DeliverThat. The extra time and distance often mean that catering orders are really just in the middle of the pack.
I'm not real fond of the app
First of all, the chime that goes off when there's a new offer is annoying as all get out. I would stay logged in longer if not for that forsaken dinging that happens.
Let me put it this way: My wife hates when I have it on. She hates the sound as much as I do.
Information presented on the offer is going to be too little for a lot of contractors. I tend to just look at any offer and ask if $25 is worth it, because it's almost always going to pay that amount. However, I can understand where many drivers want more complete information, especially on the pay.
The deduction system for late or incomplete deliveries will be a turnoff to many drivers
The idea that you can get a deduction from your pay that is more than what the delivery would pay in the first place can be a problem for many. I do believe that if you're a strong believer in doing what you agreed to do, this will never be an issue.
Strategies for making DeliverThat a profitable part of your delivery business
I look at DeliverThat as being very similar to other smaller platforms like Curri or Veho. Neither of them offer enough opportunities where many if all could make a full time living off of them. However, they can be great for one off deliveries. Finding the right delivery at the right time can add to your overall profitability.
Because of the dead time that often goes with scheduled deliveries and the longer drives to get to many of the restaurants, it's very possible to actually earn less per hour on DeliverThat deliveries. Here are some suggestions that I would make to help you be more profitable:
Factor in dead time when evaluating opportunities.
If you have to drive further to get to a restaurant, there's a cost to that. When that is time you could be doing other deliveries, there's an opportunity cost.
In my opinion the best way to evaluate an delivery offer is to estimate how much time it will take. Try to get a feel for what the hourly rate will be.
When estimating time, figure in how much time is going to be lost waiting for the pickup time or in driving the extra miles if the restaurant is further away. Also take into account any return trips you might have to make if the delivery takes you away from where you might be able to immediately start accepting deliveries on other food delivery services.
Give priority to deliveries that take place in areas you would normally deliver.
If you normally concentrate on a certain part of your community for deliveries, try to keep your accepted offers in those areas. There's a temptation to accept just about anything if it pays well. However, in my market, doing so can mean driving a hundred miles or more.
It's often best to start your day with scheduled deliveries.
I work multiple applications. I'll usually head out for deliveries at a certain time of day. If I do a catering order, that's going to be my first delivery of the day or of the shift. That way I'm not worried about timing previous deliveries or about taking a chance getting stuck on something that will make me late. This approach eliminates a lot of the dead time that goes with scheduled deliveries.
If an offer is intriguing, accept immediately.
Don't waste time trying to decide if it makes sense. If there's anything you need to think about, accept it immediately. That buys you a bit of time to look more carefully at the details. That's because someone else can grab the order while you're thinking about it.
Usually if I have to think about it, it's more about trying to figure out how far I”m driving and how much time it will take. Maybe I have to look up an address. However, if you do decide it's not a good fit for you and you want to put it back out there, do so quickly so other drivers have a chance to pick it up.
Get good catering bags and equipment
You're bringing in a lot of food at one time. If you're going to do this very much, having good equipment is worth the investment.
I can carry more food with less worry in the catering bags that I use than in the flimsy stuff I bought from DeliverThat. I also keep a collapsible roller cart for larger orders. Those things mean I can get loaded up both from the restaurant and to the customer much more quickly. The time savings pays for the investment.
Professionalism is huge.
For both the restaurant and the customer, the stakes are higher when the orders are worth several hundred dollars. I've found that the more professional I am in appearance and behavior, the more cooperative the restaurant staff is and the easier it is to get everything done with the customer. A smile and a pleasant attitude have made a lot of money for me over time – not because of extra tips but because I complete deliveries faster. Faster deliveries mean more deliveries that I can make afterwards.
Communication is valuable.
Again, the stakes are higher on catering orders and it's easier for people to get ticked off if the delivery is screwed up. A quick heads up to both the customer and to DeliverThat support if there's a delay at the restaurant is extremely helpful.
Make sure you understand the terms and quirks of DeliverThat, and are okay with them.
With the EZCater tip pool, I look at it as I know I'm getting a certain amount. If that amount is good enough for my time, I'll take the delivery. It's not worth the emotional energy to stew over whether the tip might have been higher.
But I think it's important that you understand the little quirks like this. If you're not totally sure still how the tip pooling works, talk to support. The same thing is true of the deductions policy for late or missed deliveries. Pay careful attention to what you agree to.
My personal feeling is, the tip pool and the deduction policy are both a bit sketchy. I dislike them on principle. But they are things I can live with. They're not deal breakers to me.
If they are deal breakers to you, I completely understand. There's nothing wrong with walking away and deciding not to deliver for them.
In the end, DeliverThat is a nice piece of the delivery puzzle in my opinion. I enjoy the catering deliveries, they seem a little more relaxed than the hustle of other delivery apps. It's not often that a catering order for them is a good fit for me, but when one is, it helps me become more profitable.
If you do choose to check out DeliverThat, you can use my referral code here.